The DPCR held a Conformation Show and a Sweepstakes in 2001 in Carson City, Nevada.  The results are as follows:

Conformation Judge:  Dr. May Jacobson 

Sweepstakes Judge:  Joseph Smith

Best Of Breed:   Ch. Marienburg's Repo Man

Best of Winners/Winners Dog:  Caryola's Kendall Jackson

Winners Bitch:  Irongate's Jamaica Me Crazy

Best Puppy:  Foxfire's Rio Bravo

Grand Sweepstakes:   Toledobe's Irish Shenanigans

Best Junior:   Nicole Torre

Obedience Judge:  Dr. William Beauchamp

High In Trial/New CDX: 
Foxfire's Think About Me TDX

Caryola's Kendall Jackson
Irongate's Jamaica Me Crazy
Ch. Marienburg's Repo Man
Foxfire's Rio Bravo
Nicole Torre
Toledobe's Irish Shenanigans
DPCR Welcome Cake
Foxfire's Think About Me TDX